This is Faith on morphine. We left the hospital just after she came out of surgery to give mom and dad some time alone with her and get her settled in. She cried for quite awhile while we were gone until they gave in to the morphine drip.
We went back this afternoon for a couple hours. She was pretty content while we were there, and sat on my lap for close to an hour. The only time she cried was when the blood pressure cuff on her leg went off and tightened up. She didn't like that.
She wouldn't give up and close her eyes while we were there, so we laid her down in the bed and left. Figured that way she, mom, and dad could all hopefully get some rest.
I've been asked if she has Down's. She doesn't. That's just the effect of the morphine.
Now playing:
Casting Crowns - Praise You With the Dancevia FoxyTunes
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